Jo Dorsett - Industrial Designer
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3D Modeling

Bachelor Chair

Bachelor Chair

The Bachelor Chair.  To be used on those occasions when you have extra people are in the living space.  It handily folds flat for storage under a counter top when not in use.  The slim lines make it storable in many places.

Collapsing Boutielle

Collapsing Boutielle

Refillable, cartridge inspired collapsing storage for liquids.

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Hearing Aid

Hearing Aid

This concept Hearing Assistance Device was designed for persons not wishing for others to know whether the item was for hearing aid use or a blue tooth technological piece.  The inspiration for this piece came from a significant amount of research into the needs and desires of middle to upper school students who as well as having normal growing pains are anxious to not draw attention to themselves.  At the time this aide was designed the Movies, Avatar and Twilight were at the height of their popularity.  As trends do tend to move outside of intended age groups the look of some jewelers for older adults since that time experienced a more angular movement that the hearing aides easily satisfied.

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Origami Kitchen Faucet Cold

Origami Kitchen Faucet Cold

This was one of the iterations of Kitchen faucets employing sensor technology and visually being inspired by Origami.  Designed and Modeled by DID (Dorsett Industrial Design).

Dual Handle Faucet

Dual Handle Faucet

One of the Origami series, utilizing touchfree thermal and volume sensors.
